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Manual Azure setup

Create Terraform storage

Storage account

Create a storage account which will be used as Terraform state backend.

Create storage account


A good convention is to place the Terraform state backend storage account in a 'shared' resource group which can be used for various shared resources accross all your environments and sites.
For example:
Resource group: my-shared-we-rg
Storage account mysharedwesaterra
Where 'my' is replaced by a prefix of your choosing.

Create container

Create a container in the storage account. Name it for example tfstate.

Create function app storage

All packaged function app code should be stored on the shared environment from where all other envirnoment can access those assets.

Storage account

Create a new BlockBlobStorage with a Premium account tier for improved performace.


Again, like the Terraform state, place this in a 'shared' resource group For example:
Resource group: my-shared-we-rg
Storage account mysharedwesacomponents
Where 'my' is replaced by a prefix of your choosing.

Create container

Create a blob container called code. Make this private.

Register providers

Make sure the following providers are registered on the subscription:

  • Microsoft.Web
  • Microsoft.KeyVault
  • Microsoft.Storage
  • Microsoft.Insights

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