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CLI Reference

MACH composer's command line interface allows you to perform the following actions:

$ mach-composer

  mach-composer [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply the configuration.
  cloud       Manage your Mach Composer Cloud
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  components  List all components.
  generate    Generate the Terraform files.
  help        Help about any command
  init        Initialize site directories Terraform files.
  plan        Plan the configuration.
  schema      Generate a JSON schema for your config based on the plugins.
  sites       List all sites.
  terraform   Execute terraform commands directly
  update      Update all (or a given) component.
  version     Return version information of the mach-composer cli

  -h, --help      help for mach-composer
      --verbose   Verbose output.

Use "mach-composer [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Apply the configuration.

mach-composer apply --auto-approve -f main.yml


  • --with-sp-login If az login with service principal environment variables should be done.
  • --auto-approve Auto-approve the Terraform plan
  • --file or -f TEXT YAML file to apply. If not set apply all *.yml files.
  • --var-file YAML file with variables to be used in the configuration file.
  • --site or -s TEXT Site to apply. If not set apply all sites.
  • --component or -c TEXT Specific component to target.
  • --output-path TEXT Output path, defaults to cwd/deployments`.
  • --reuse Suppress a terraform init for improved speed (not recommended for production usage)
  • --ignore-version Skip MACH composer version check
  • --destroy Destroy option is a convenient way to destroy all remote objects managed by this mach config


Initialize the Terraform directory.

mach-composer terraform init -f main.yml


  • --file or -f TEXT YAML file to parse. If not set parse all *.yml files.
  • --var-file YAML file with variables to be used in the configuration file.
  • --site or -s TEXT Site to parse. If not set parse all sites.
  • --output-path TEXT Output path, defaults to cwd/deployments.
  • --ignore-version Skip MACH composer version check


Output the deployment plan.

mach-composer plan -f main.yml


  • --file or -f TEXT YAML file to parse. If not set parse all *.yml files.
  • --var-file YAML file with variables to be used in the configuration file.
  • --site or -s TEXT Site to generate plan of. If not set generate plans for all sites.
  • --component or -c TEXT Specific component to target.
  • --output-path TEXT Output path, defaults to cwd/deployments.
  • --reuse Suppress a terraform init for improved speed (not recommended for production usage)
  • --ignore-version Skip MACH composer version check
  • --destroy Destroy option is a convenient way to destroy all remote objects managed by this mach config


Usage: mach-composer update [OPTIONS] [COMPONENT] [VERSION]

Update all (or a given) component.

When no component and version is given, it will check the git repositories for any updates. This command can also be used to manually update a single component by specifying a component and version.

# To check for updates on all components
mach-composer update --check

# To update a specific component and create a commit message
mach-composer update pim-importer v1.2.0 -c


  • --file or -f TEXT YAML file to update. If not set update all *.yml files.
  • --verbose or -v Verbose output.
  • --check Only checks for updates, doesn't change files.
  • --commit or -c Automatically commits the change.


The cloud subcommand contains all the actions you can perform against MACH composer ☁️.

% mach-composer cloud     
Manage your Mach Composer Cloud

  mach-composer cloud [flags]
  mach-composer cloud [command]

Available Commands:
  add-organization-user       Invite a user to a specific organization
  config                      Configure mach composer cloud
  create-api-client           Manage your components
  create-component            Register a new component
  create-organization         Create a new organization
  create-project              Create a new Project
  describe-component-versions List all version for an existing component
  list-api-clients            Manage your components
  list-component-versions     List all version for an existing component
  list-components             List your components
  list-organization-users     List all users in an organization
  list-organizations          List all organizations
  list-projects               List all Projects
  login                       Login to mach composer cloud
  register-component-version  Register a new version for an existing component

  -h, --help   help for cloud

Global Flags:
      --verbose   Verbose output.

Use "mach-composer cloud [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Set default organization and project values

Most of the cloud commands require you to provide a organization and project parameter, so that it knows which entities to interact with. You set default settings for this as shown below.

mach-composer cloud config set-organization my-org
mach-composer cloud config set-project my-project