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All component definitions in this configuration file.
These components are used and configured separately per site.


  - name: api-extension-products
    source: git::ssh://
    version: 3b8ab91
      - products/terraform
      main: default
  - name: api-extension-orders
    source: git::ssh://
    version: 3b8ab91
      - orders/terraform
      main: default
  - name: ct-products-types
    source: git::ssh://
    version: 1.4.0
    integrations: [ "commercetools" ]
  • name - Name of the component. To be used as reference in the site definitions.
  • version - A Git commit hash or tag
  • source - Source definition of the terraform module
  • integrations - Defines a list of integrations for the given component. It controls what Terraform variables are passed on to the components Terraform module.

Defaults to ["azure"] or ["aws"], depending on your cloud provider.
Could be any of: - azure - aws - commercetools - contentful

  • endpoints - (deprecated) Defines the endpoint that needs to connect to this component.
    Will setup Frontdoor routing or pass API Gateway information when set.
  • health_check_path - Defines a custom healthcheck path. Defaults to /<name>/healthchecks
  • paths- Defines a list of paths which contain source code for a component. This is most useful when working with a monorepo, as it allows for filtering for updates (for example with mach-composer update --check). Default is empty, which will assume all changes are relevant

Development settings

In addition to the default set of component settings, a couple of settings can be defined during development.
These are not intended to be used for a production deployment, but can facilitate local development:

- `branch` - Configure the git branch of the component. Only used to
  facilitate the `mach-composer update` CLI command.
- `artifacts` - Mapping of additional artifacts **AWS only**
  - `script` - Script file to build and package the component, relative to the workdir.
  - `filename` - Filename to be used for deployment, relative to the workdir
  - `workdir` - Work directory for the script/filename, relative to current work dir (default)

- name: my-component
  source: ../mach-component-my-component/terraform
  integrations: ["aws", "commercetools", "sentry"]
  version: latest
      filename: .serverless/
      script: yarn package
      workdir: ../mach-component-my-component/

More info on [using MACH composer during development](../../topics/development/