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Step 6. Create your MACH stack

MACH composer is undergoing a major, backwards compatible overhaul

MACH composer has been rewritten in Golang, coming from a Python version. We've done this because the Golang ecosystem is more suitable for a tool like this, as it is also the language in which Hashicorp builds Terraform itself.

Because of this, some commands might not be available yet in the Golang version; particularly the mach-composer bootstrap command is not available, which makes it a bit harder to start up. However, based on the examples in the GitHub repository, you should be able to get started without the bootstrap command.

For creating components, please instead of mach-composer bootstrap component, use mach-composer-cookiecutter.

We do currently recommend to use the latest version (2.14.x).

If you are still on the Python version, the bootstrap command will still work.

1. Create MACH composer configuration file

To create a new MACH composer configuration file, run

mach-composer bootstrap config

A configuration will be created and can be used as input for MACH composer.

Edit your configuration so that it looks like the following example

  version: 1.0.0
  environment: test
  cloud: aws
    bucket: your-project-tst-tfstate
    key_prefix: mach
    region: eu-central-1
  - identifier: my-site-tst
      account_id: ...
      region: eu-central-1
      project_key: my-site-tst
      client_id: ...
      client_secret: ...
      scopes: manage_project:my-site-tst manage_api_clients:my-site-tst view_api_clients:my-site-tst
        - en-GB
        - nl-NL
        - GBP
        - EUR
        - GB
        - NL
      - name: api
  - name: api
    source: ../components/api-component/terraform
      main: default
    version: dev

Component source

We defined our component source as source: ../components/api-component/terraform.
This is a path relative to the MACH composer configuration file itself. Edit your path so that it fits your current setup.

During actual development and deployment this will usually point to a Git repository.

See Syntax for all configuration options.

2. Configure credentials

In step 4 we've used the terraform-aws-mach-account module to set up the AWS account for us.

This also created an IAM user called mach and a role mach that we can use to perform MACH composer deployments with.

In this tutorial, we'll be using the mach role, so we can configure the credentials in the same fashion we did for the component upload:

Make sure the following is added to your ~/.aws/config file:

[profile your-project-tst]
source_profile = default
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<service-account-id>:role/mach

Using the mach user

In order to use this user, go to your AWS console and open the Systems Manager Parameter Store to view the credentials.

New account

These credentials can be used directly in your local AWS setup or in your CI/CD pipeline.

3. Deploy

You can deploy your current configuration by running

$ mach-composer apply

Providing AWS credentials

How you provide the AWS credentials is dependent on your local setup.

For example; you could invoke this with AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=your-project-tst mach-composer apply or with aws-vault:

aws-vault exec your-project-tst -- mach-composer apply

After confirming the changes, you will see a success output like this:

Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


endpoints = {
  "default" = ""
Done 👍

If you now append the endpoint with /api/healthcheck you have the URL of the API endpoint we created in our component:

$ curl
> {"ok":true,"version":"dev","environment":"test"}

Example files

You can find example files needed for preparing the infrastructure and a configuration file on GitHub in the /examples directory

Further reading