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All 'shared' configuration that applies to all sites.



  • environment (String) Identifier for the environment. For example development, test or production. Is used to set the environment variable for terraform components
  • cloud (String) Either azure, aws or gcp. Defines the cloud provider to use. This will be used to load the correct cloud specific configuration.
  • terraform_config (Block) This configuration will determine what type of backend terraform will use to store its state. See below for nested schema


  • variables (Map of String) Variables for this configuration. Note that variables with the same name set in the site configuration or site component configuration will override these values
  • secrets (Map of String) Variables for this configuration that should be stored in an encrypted key-value store . Note that variables with the same name set in the site configuration or site component configuration will override these values


Based on loaded plugins in the mach_composer block, more configuration blocks might be loaded here. For example, if the sentry plugin is loaded a block named sentry will be loaded here. Refer to the plugin documentation to see what configuration blocks will be loaded.

  auth_token: <your-sentry-auth-token>
  organization: <your-sentry-organization>
  project: <your-sentry-project>
  rate_limit_window: <your-sentry-rate-limit-window>
  rate_limit_count: <your-sentry-rate-limit-count>

Nested schema for terraform_config

Terraform configuration block. Can be used to configure the state backend and Terraform provider versions.


  • providers (Map of String) Can be used to overwrite the MACH Plugin defaults for the Terraform provider versions. The format is provider_name: version. For example aws: 3.0.0. If left empty the plugin defaults will be used.
  • remote_state (Block) Remote state configuration. If left empty local state will be used. It is recommended to use one of the supported cloud providers for remote state instead.

Nested schema for remote_state


  • plugin (String) The plugin to use. One of aws, gcp, azure or local. This will determine what remote state backend configs will be available


Depending on the plugin value, the following blocks will be merged into the remote_state block:

  • azure (Block) Azure state configuration for Azure backend
  • aws (Block) AWS state configuration for AWS backend
  • gcp (Block) GCP state configuration for GCP backend
  • local (Block) Local state configuration for local backend

Nested schema for azure

An Azure state backend can be configured with the following options


  plugin: azure
  resource_group: <your resource group>
  storage_account: <storage account name>
  container_name: <container name>
  state_folder: <state folder>

A good convention is to give the state_folder the same name as the environment


  • resource_group (String) Resource group name
  • storage_account (String) Storage account name
  • container_name (String) Container name


  • state_folder (String) Folder name for each individual Terraform state. If left empty the site identifier will be used

Nested schema for aws

An AWS S3 state backend can be configured with the following options


  plugin: aws
  bucket: <your bucket>
  region: <your region>
  key_prefix: <your key prefix>
  role_arn: <your role arn>


  • bucket (String) S3 bucket name
  • region (String) AWS region
  • key_prefix (String) Key prefix for each individual Terraform state


  • role_arn - Role ARN to access S3 bucket with
  • lock_table - DynamoDB lock table
  • encrypt - Enable server side encryption of the state file. Defaults to True

Nested schema for gcp

A GCP state backend can be configured with the following options


  plugin: gcp
  bucket: <your bucket>
  prefix: <your prefix>


  • bucket (String) GCS bucket name
  • prefix (String) Prefix for each individual Terraform state

Nested schema for local

A GCP state backend can be configured with the following options


  plugin: local
  path: <your path>


  • path (String) Local path to store state files. Defaults to ./terraform.tfstate