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Getting started with MACH composer ☁️ in an existing MACH composer project

MACH composer ☁️ is an extension to MACH composer and can be used in existing MACH composer projects. It's main entrypoint is therefore still the CLI, which has been expanded with a cloud subsection with a number of actions.

The below steps can be achieved through the dashboard

While MACH composer ☁️ is an API-first product, we also provide a dashboard that you can use to manage your projects and components. All the actions above can also be achieved through it.

You can login to the dashboard here:

In order to start using MACH composer ☁️, we recommend to follow the below steps using the CLI. These steps describe how to start registering new components with MACH composer ☁️.

1. Create a MACH composer ☁️ account, organization and project

  1. Create a MACH composer cloud account by logging in with GitHub

    # this will open a browser in which you can login through a GitHub account
    % mach-composer cloud login
    Successfully authenticated to mach composer cloud

    Currently we're in private beta and need to manually approve new accounts.

  2. Create an organization

    % mach-composer cloud create-organization --key my-org --name "My org name"
    Created new organization: my-org

    You can be part of multiple organizations and also invite other users to your organization by using the mach-composer cloud add-organization-user command.

  3. Create a project

    % mach-composer cloud create-project my-project "My Project" --organization my-org
    Created new project: my-project

2. Register components in MACH composer ☁️ through CI/CD

Now that you've set up your account, it is now time to start registering components with MACH composer ☁️.

  1. Create components in MACH composer ☁️

    For each of the components you have, execute the below command. Each new component should be registered like this with MACH composer ☁️.

    % mach-composer cloud create-component my-comp --organization my-org --project my-project
    Created new component: my-comp
  2. Now you can push new versions of a component.

    Run the following command from a GitHub repository.

    $ mach-composer cloud register-component-version
    --organization my-org --project my-project --auto

    Using --auto will detect the latest version from git and will also read metadata (i.e. the commits that are part of the new version) and push that to MACH composer ☁️. For more info about using the component registry, take a look at its documentation.

  3. In CI/CD context you need to create API Client credentials

    When you are logged in from the commandline the MACH composer CLI will manage your API credentials for you through GitHub authentication. but in CI/CD context, you need to create a set of API Client credentials to make it work. mach-composer will detect the MCC_CLIENT_ID and MCC_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.

    You can create those like this:

    $ mach-composer cloud create-api-client --organization my-org --project my-project
    Scopes: project:manage

    You can list existing API clients (without secret)

    $ mach-composer cloud list-api-clients --organization my-org --project my-project
    CREATED AT          CLIENT ID                           CLIENT SECRET   LAST USED   DESCRIPTION SCOPES          
    2023-01-13 17:52:06 LWAxfy1gCwS5kf1bjad2HqOofOEfKo0n    *****uNOOl      never                   project:manage  

3. Integrate MACH composer ☁️ in your MACH composer configuration

This feature is available since MACH composer 2.7.x

The last step is to integrate MACH composer ☁️ in your existing MACH composer YAML configuration. You can achieve this by adding the following configuration to the mach_composer section.

    organization_id: "lab-digital"
    project_id: "my-aws-example"

When running mach-composer update --cloud, MACH composer will fetch the latest versions from MACH composer ☁️ instead of the components GitHub repository. As a result, this process will be much faster as well as more robust, as component versions are guaranteed to exist.