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Component structure

Required variables

MACH expects each component to have a certain set of variables defined.

What variables it needs to have defined is controlled by the plugin's setting.

If integrations is set to an empty list [], no variables will be needed.

An example of a component that takes no variables could be a component that creates custom product types in commercetools. This component operates with the same Terraform commercetools provider which is configured for the correct project already, so no additional information will be needed in the Terraform module itself.

Optional variables

Regardless of what plugins the components has, two variables must be set on the component if those are actually set in your MACH configuration.

So only if you have the following configuration for your component:

  - name: my-component
      FOO: bar
      SECRET: 12345

The following variables must be defined in your component:

variable "variables" {
  type        = any
  description = "Generic way to pass variables to components."

variable "secrets" {
  type        = any
  description = "Map of secret values. Can be placed in a key vault."


By defining a set of integrations in the component definitions, MACH knows what variables need to be passed on to the components.

This way the components don't need to define all possible variables a component might have.

Available plugins can be found here.

By default, integrations are set on the given cloud provider. So when no integrations definition is given, it defaults to ['aws'] in case of an AWS deployment.

Non-cloud components

As an example; you might have a component defining some custom commercetools product types. No further cloud infrastructure is needed.
In this case, that component will have integrations: ['commeretools'] and MACH won't pass any of the cloud-specific variables.