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Mach Composer does not support tools for migrating a component from site-managed to site-component managed. However, it is possible to manually do the migrations through using terraform directly.

To migrate a component from site-managed to site-component the following steps are necessary:

  1. Change the site-component configuration you want to move out by setting the correct deployment type:
     # my-site.yml
      identifier: my-site
        - name: my-component
             type: site-component
          # Etc...
    # Etc...
  2. mach-composer generate -f main.yaml to generate the Terraform locally
  3. mach-composer init -f main.yaml to initialize the Terraform CLI
  4. Assuming a site named my-site move to generated my-site directory (cd ./deployments/main/my-site) and run terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate
  5. Do the same for the component you want to move out, assuming a component named my-component move to generated my-component directory (cd ./deployments/main/my-site/my-component) and run terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate
  6. Move back to the site directory (cd ..) and run terraform state mv --state=terraform.tfstate --state-out=./my-component/terraform.tfstate
  7. Push the changes to the remote state (terraform state push terraform.tfstate)
  8. Move to the component directory (cd ./my-component) and do the same: terraform state push terraform.tfstate
  9. Move back to the root directory (cd ../../..) and run terraform plan to check if the changes will be applied correctly
  10. Finally, run terraform apply to apply the changes

Convenience script (use at own risk)


if [ -n "$1" ]; then
  echo "Using $1 as the site directory."
  echo "Provide the site directory. This generally is in the format of ./deployments/main/<site-name>."
  exit 1

if [ -n "$2" ]; then
  echo "Using $2 as the component"
  echo "Provide the component name"
  exit 1

mach-composer generate -f main.yaml
mach-composer init -f main.yaml

cd ./$1 || exit

terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate

cd ./$2 || exit

terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate

cd ../

terraform state mv --state=terraform.tfstate --state-out=./"$2"/terraform.tfstate "module.$2" "module.$2"

terraform state push terraform.tfstate

cd ./"$2" || exit

terraform state push terraform.tfstate