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mach-composer validate

Validate the generated terraform configuration.


This command validates the generated terraform configuration. It will check the provided configuration file for any errors, and will run terraform validate on the generated configuration. This will check for any syntax errors in the generated configuration without accessing the actual infrastructure.

By default, the generated configuration is stored in the validations directory in the current working directory. This can be changed by providing the --validation-path flag.

See the terraform validation docs for more information on terraform validate.

mach-composer validate [flags]


  -f, --file string              YAML file to parse. (default "main.yml")
  -h, --help                     help for validate
      --ignore-version           Skip MACH composer version check
      --output-path string       Outputs path to store the generated files. (default "deployments")
  -s, --site string              Site to parse. If not set parse all sites.
      --validation-path string   Directory path to store files required for configuration validation. (default "validations")
      --var-file string          Use a variable file to parse the configuration with.
  -w, --workers int              The number of workers to use (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -g, --github          Whether logs should be decorated with github-specific formatting
      --output string   The output type. One of: console, json (default "console")
  -q, --quiet           Quiet output. This is equal to setting log levels to error and higher
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output. This is equal to setting log levels to debug and higher


  • mach-composer - MACH composer is an orchestration tool for modern MACH ecosystems