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Component registry

The MACH composer cloud component registry provides an API where you can register and retrieve components and their versions, so that you can guarantee that a component-version and its accompanying artifact, actually exist. This will make your MACH composer deployment pipelines more stable.


Pushing a new component version can be done by executing the below command from the git clone of your component (or from within a CI/CD pipeline).

$ mach-composer cloud register-component-version
--organization $MCC_ORGANISATION --project $MCC_PROJECT $MCC_COMPONENT --auto

Only register a version, if there is an artifact.

Pushing a new version should only be done after an artifact was actually created and published to your artifact repository.

If your using GitHub Actions, we have created a convenient GitHub Action for registering versions, that you can simply include in an existing component pipeline.

How does it work?

We introduce an additional step to the component deployment sequence, by connecting that sequence to MACH composer cloud.

sequenceDiagram participant D as Developer participant S as SCM participant CI as CI/CD participant C as Artifact Repository participant MCC as MACH Composer☁️ D->>S: Merges new code S->>CI: run build and tests opt if master branch CI->>C: Push artifact to artifact repository end opt if using MACH composer ☁️ CI->>MCC: push component version to MACH composer ☁️ end

Then when running the mach-composer update command, instead of fetching the latest component versions, MACH composer will fetch the latest versions from MACH composer cloud.

sequenceDiagram participant Dev as Developer participant MC as MACH composer CLI participant MCC as MACH Composer☁️ participant GIT as Git repository Dev->>MC: runs update alt using MACH composer ☁️ MC->>MCC: fetch component version else using git MC->>GIT: fetch latest version from Git end MC->>Dev: updates versions in YAML

Why do we need a registry?

MACH composer is in the business of deploying components as part of a coherent composable architecture. It provides tools to coordinate this and make this easier.

Components are in fact simple Terraform modules that are usually containing a microservice that's deployed in for example AWS Lambda or Fargate.

In your MACH composer configuration you configure the components that you use in you project, as well as the version of components. Just like the example below.

  - name: api-service
    source: git::
    version: "66e74f4"
    branch: main

  - name: auth-service
    source: git::
    version: "7e746bb"
    branch: main

Then, using the mach-composer update command, MACH composer will check the source repository for new versions that might be available.

$ mach-composer update

Updates for auth-service (19ffb8b...7e746bb)
7e746bb: Only add *.go source files to archive (Michael van Tellingen
92f14ba: Remove unused function (Michael van Tellingen

Updates for api-service (0771f35...66e74f4)
66e74f4: Only add *.go files to artifact zip (Michael van Tellingen

The problem

After updating and running mach-composer apply, usually some Terraform code will naively take this version information and use it to deploy either a Lambda or Docker container by building an artifact name like this: my-component-{version}.zip.

Usually this works fine, but it occasionally happens that the zip file does not exist, in case a CI/CD build has failed to produce the artifact. This will cause the mach-composer apply execution to fail - sometimes silently.

The solution

Our solution to this is to provide a way to register 'deployable versions' with MACH composer cloud, as part of the component CI/CD workflow: after successfully building and storing the component artifact, it must be registered with the MACH composer API.